Will be dry materials in the rotovap distillation high frequency electric field, will use the alternating action of high frequency electric field heat objects to dry. This heating is the feature of material in the moisture content is higher, the more heat. Materials due to the internal moisture content is higher than the surface, so the material internal gain more energy, the internal temperature of the material is higher than the surface temperature, so that the temperature wiped film distillation gradient and moisture diffusion in the same direction, can accelerate the evaporation of water, shorten the drying time, such a nutsche filter dryer is particularly suited to drying process is easy to crusting and internal moisture to do hard material such as leather. Dielectric heating dry power consumption is very big, is mainly used in food and light industry production.Heat transfer by radiation and heat wet material to dry. Electric heating radiation nutsche filter dryer USES infrared light bulb light is dry material, make the material temperature and drying. Gas heating nutsche filter dryer is burning gas will be metal or ceramic radiation heating to 400 ~ 500 ℃, make it produce infrared, used to heating by dry material. Radiation nutsche filter dryer production strength, compact equipment, the use of flexible, but energy consumption is bigger. Suitable for dry surface large, thin material, such as plastic, cloth, wood, paint products, etc.
Including screw conveyor nutsche rotary vacuum evaporator filter dryer, roller nutsche filter dryer, vacuum rake nutsche filter dryer, frozen nutsche filter dryer, etc., this kind of nutsche filter dryer's main features are:heat through the wall (usually metal wall), the heat conduction way to wet material;the surface temperature of the material can range from below freezing, freeze drying) to 330 ℃;easy to operate under vacuum and inert atmosphere, volatile solvent can be recycled. Often used for drying material easy to oxidation, easy to decompose, also is applicable to processing powder material.