WOW Gold Classic is what makes the world go around in World Of Warcraft Classic and players will spend a significant amount of time gathering as much as they can. Between repairing items, buying consumables, getting crafting materials at the auction house, and saving up for the costly mounts you’ll need a lot of gold in this game.

There are a multitude of ways to make money in Classic and the most efficient methods will depend on your available playtime, skill level, network, and gold on hand. But generally speaking these are the best methods for obtaining that golden stash without too much grinding.

Gathering Professions

These let you harvest ores, herbs, meat, leather etc. Eventually, these resources can be used by other professions in order to create consumables, items, gear and so forth. Alternatively, you can sell some of the things you’ve gathered directly on the Auction House – if they’re BoE of course.

Crafting Profession

To craft anything, you require materials and these materials come from the gathering profs. These enable you to create anything from powerful gear and even trade goods. As you might’ve guessed, selling certain high-demand weapons, armor etc. can turn out to be a rather lucrative in-game business.

The great about these two profession categories is that they go hand in hand, meaning you can combine them to great effect. For example, you can pick Mining as your gathering prof and then choose Blacksmithing for crafting, thus feeding your production profession through the materials you gather while questing or deliberately looking for resources nodes.

Playing the auction house

One of the age-old methods for making money in World of Warcraft is to work the auction house to find profit in buying and selling items. Compared to other methods, however, this requires much more starting money, and involves a risk of losing money if you make the wrong decisions.

There are two main approaches you can take to playing the auction house. The first, classic speculation, involves buying low and selling high – which sounds simple on the surface, but requires an intimate knowledge of the market to make the most of, as selecting the right items involves identifying bargains, understanding where prices might fluctuate, and also buying items with enough demand that you’ll be able to sell them again in a reasonable time.

The second approach is to attempt to monopolize a particular market by buying out all competitors, which then allows you to set a price with a significant profit margin that anyone who wants or needs the item will have no choice but to pay.

Going for a monopoly requires a lot more starting cash, however, and also comes with greater risks. You have to stay on top of the auction house to ensure you’re not being undercut, and if there’s too much supply it might not be realistically possible to maintain your monopoly.

Both of these methods also may not be viable in the early days of WoW Classic, as the market hasn’t had time to settle – there are more players working their way through lower level content, leading to higher supply of items found there, and less demand for higher level items. Players also haven’t had much time to earn gold to spend, and many will be saving for mounts initially.

While particularly savvy traders might spot some unique openings in the opening month of WoW Classic, for most players working the auction house will be a more viable option further down the line once the in-game economy is more stable.

Dungeons. Naturally, the requirements of a perfect grinding spot are best met inside dungeons, where no outside interference is possible, and ensuring you get full respawns instantly, each time you reset the dungeon. The only limitation is that you can only run 5 individual dungeon lockouts per hour before the game will not allow you to create new instances of the dungeon anymore, so plan accordingly.


Fishing is one of the more lucrative professions, and one everyone can get. It's something you'll want to level up, because fish you can catch like Stonescale Eel and Nightfin Snapper sell very well on the Auction House because they are both used by raiders in either potions or for food.

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