Questions and Answers
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  • Science and Technology
  • Angiogenesis is vital for a variety of process including organ growth, embryonic development and wound healing, but is also associated with a variety of pathological conditions. Much attention has been paid to the studies of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a tightly regulated event, balanced by pro and antiangiogenic signals including integrins, chemokines, angiopoietins and so on. angiogenesis assays
    Tube Formation Assay - Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray offers sensitive, reliable, and accurate Tube Formation Assay to study cell migration
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  • The vascular barrier maintains a certain permeability, which allows essential small molecules such as ions, nutrients and water to flow toward and from tissues. This function plays an important role in ensuring cell survival, tissue function and homeostasis. blood vessel permeability in vivo
    Vascular Permeability Assay In Vivo - Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray offer sensitive, reliable, and accurate Vascular Permeability Assay In Vivo to study cell migration.
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  • As one of the world’s largest independent biotechnology companies, Creative Bioarray has a series of advanced technologies for stable cell line construction and rich experience in cell culture. We can provide reliable custom cell line services of various cell types based on our proprietary expression vector, efficient gene screening and amplification system, high throughput cell screening technologies and comprehensive development capabilities. Custom Cell Line Generation
    Custom Cell Line Services - Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray provides reliable and fast custom cell line services to meet specific needs of different applications.
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  • Creative Bioarray provides cell cryopreservation and cell banking services for various types of cells. We provide safe and reliable high capacity storage for all of your cell lines. Complete supporting facilities provide secure storage environment. We also supply cell freezing media and reagents to meet your daily cell preservation needs. Cell Cryopreservation Services
    Cell Cryopreservation and Cell Banking Services - Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray provides safe and reliable cell cryopreservation and cell banking services for various types of cells.
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  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a late adult-onset, quickly progressing paralytic disorder marked by selective degeneration of motor neurons in the motor cortex and spinal cord. For ALS patients, this disease leads to paralysis and eventual death. ALS patients are classified into two main categories, sporadic (sALS) and familial (fALS). Both fALS and sALS patients present with muscle weakness and atrophy, as well as spasticity due to the loss of both upper and lower motor neurons. ALS Model
    ALS Model | Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray is dedicated to create the most suitable animal models of ALS to advance the development for potential therapeutics into clinical studies, we also offer a large panel of tests on chosen mouse model of ALS
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  • In Acroscell, we offer the measurement of neuronal excitability on a single cell-level to evaluate the effects of pharmacological agents on distinct neuronal cell types, receptors, ion channels or neurotransmitter systems. Whole cell recordings are tailored to the specific characteristics and mechanisms of action of the investigational substance. Action Potential Properties Assay
    Action Potential Properties Assay | Creative Bioarray
    Creative Bioarray offers the measurement of neuronal excitability on a single cell-level to evaluate the effects of pharmacological agents on distinct neuronal cell types, receptors, ion channels or neurotransmitter systems
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  • Creative Bioarray has extensive expertise in banded chromosome analysis, and our experience includes analysis of live animals and established adult and embryonic stem cell lines. The standard chromosome analysis can be customized to your needs if you have specific requirements different from here. Oncology chromosome analysis
    Chromosome Analysis - Creative Bioarray
    Chromosome analysis or karyotyping is a test that evaluates the size, shape, and number of chromosomes.
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  • In situ hybridization is a technique for detecting the expression pattern of a particular gene sequence in cells or tissues using a complimentary sequence known as a probe. The probe is typically labeled with a fluorochrome or an enzyme, so it can be detected either by using a fluorescent microscope or with a bright field microscope. In Situ Hybridization
    In Situ Hybridization (ISH) - Creative Bioarray
    In situ hybridization is a technique for detecting the expression pattern of a particular gene sequence in cells or tissues using a complimentary sequence known as a probe.
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